Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Some things you can pray about for me - 

- Thanks to God that I'm where I'm supposed to be! I'm loving my life here, and while I'm really looking forward to seeing my family in November, I have a great peace about being here. That's a great feeling!

- For Laura and I as we're working on the beginnings of Youth Street. This is going to be a long process! We were just praying today, though, and I was so struck by the fact that this is GOD'S project, we're just his workers - so he's got it all under control. What a good realisation. 

- Also, for Youth Street, that we would have more staff to join us. Right now, it's just the 2 of us and we're praying and asking God to bring the RIGHT people to join us! 

- For God to keep speaking to me and growing me. It's easy to let other things become distractions and to not prioritize my relationship with him, though I know that's the most important part of... life, really. I want my ministry to be coming directly from what God is putting into me, not my own strength.

Thank you for your prayers! 
Gods blessings

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