Tuesday, April 15, 2008

DTS, outreach, beyond

Dear loved ones,
Here are a few prayer points that I would currently really appreciate your prayers for. 

- I am in the process of switching visas, and mine has taken much longer than expected. I am not in danger of being deported or anything, but I won't be able to leave the country if I don't have my new one by that time. 

- For God to continue to work in the lives of the students (and myself) during the remainder of this DTS. God has been doing really cool things so far, but we are still praying that God will deepen their relationships among themselves and they'd go even deeper in what God has for them.

- For God to continue to be working in me. I am definitely learning and growing a lot, and have a sense that this time of my life is very much about growth and learning for the future. I don't want to miss out on anything.

- For our outreach to India: safety, contacts, finances, and anointing in our ministry.  Pray, too, that we'll have a clear sense of what specific things God wants us to do, not just what we think would be effective. 

- That God, in his timing, would give me clear guidance for my future, and when that comes that I would be obedient and able to do what he asks. 

Thank you all for your prayers!


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